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Kurban Bajrami 2024 First Day Of Celebration Falls On Sunday 16th June

'Kurban Bajrami' 2024: First Day of Celebration falls on Sunday, 16th June

When will 'Kurban Bajram' be Celebrated?

BIK Announces the Date for 'Kurban Bajram'

The first day of the 'Kurban Bajram' festival will be celebrated on Sunday, 16th June 2024. The announcement was made by the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIK) on June 13, 2024, at 13:17.

The 'Kurban Bajram' festival is one of the most important religious holidays for Muslims worldwide. It commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, Ismail (Ishmael), as an act of obedience to Allah. The festival is celebrated by slaughtering an animal, usually a sheep or a cow, and distributing the meat to family, friends, and the needy.

In 2024, 'Kurban Bajram' will begin on the evening of Saturday, June 15th, and end on the evening of Monday, June 17th. The first day of the festival is a public holiday in most Muslim-majority countries.
